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The bogus antenna explosive detection device is making headlines again following CNN’s report on May 2nd, 2013 regarding the maker of a fake antenna bomb detector who made up to £80 million …Before he got sentenced for 10 years in prison!

In a world tainted by security disturbances we believe that citizens should be familiar with scientific and practical details of these matters. We, therefore, present this explanatory report for safety purposes.

Fake bomb detector

It is recognized, both scientifically and universally, that explosive detector device is not designed to detect weapons, as weapon detection is based on the use of magnetic fields to sense metals. Misinformation about the possibility to detect weapons and explosives by using one and the same device is a propaganda perpetuated by traders who have drowned the Lebanese market with a vast number of devices that are connected to a metal antenna.

This suspicious phenomenon is seen only in Lebanon and some neighboring countries. Isn’t it strange that none of the major countries adopted this extraordinary technique? In addition, in some American states, promoters of such devices were referred to the legal courts and sentenced to varying terms.

bogus bomb detector

The use of these devices started when some security personnel of certain Lebanese politicians inadvertently purchased such items. In turn, Lebanese Security Forces and the Ministry of Defense adopted this technique to control access to their headquarters. This prompted many people to fall into the trap of “Collective Sympathy” and no one noticed that information concerning these devices where readily available on the Internet.

Ironically, a daring Lebanese reporter Zeinab Ghosn, gathered this information and published a scientific article in Al-Safir newspaper on 06/14/2009 that raised the curiosity of security officials regarding the effectiveness of these so-called “explosive detection device”. Following the publication of the article, the reporter received criticizing calls from promoters of these commodities, who considered her essay as counter-propaganda. When questioned, back when I was the President of the “Syndicate of Security & Safety Professionals in Lebanon”, I confirmed the failure of these devices to perform as either weapon and/or explosive detectors.

Put in a simple way, it is believed that some people have a talent to detect underground water by using a “pomegranate stick” and this technique is the modern equivalent under the camouflage of multiple names such as: ALPHA 6 – SNIFEX MOLE – ADE 651 – GT 200 – QUADRO. All these devices have differing trade and commercial descriptions but with the standard form of the metal receptor (antenna). They all claim to detect explosives as well as weapons over long distances without any scientific proof. Recently, Eng. Abbas Khazali from Iraq wrote about this matter after the recent bombings describing it as the “scandal of fake explosive detector devices, facts by image and sound”.


1)    Dogs                    

2)    Explosive Vapor Detectors      

3)    X-Ray Machines

Dog explosive detection

Without a doubt, dogs are the top method to effectively detect explosives. However, they respond only to their trainers and their performance is dependent on training continuity and style. Also, dogs cannot work for more than two hours which should be followed by a break of an equal period. Cost is rather expensive as it includes trainer’s expenses, accommodations, breeding and training period of dogs which could extend to more than a year.

The internationally recognized Explosive Detection devices are known as “VAPOR DETECTORS. They detect traces of evaporated emissions left on objects from explosive materials (cars carriers, packages and containers). Not many devices on the market use the technique of either wiping traces from or sampling air surrounding the exposed body to render immediate results. Price range of such devices is 25~40 Thousands US Dollars. They are available on demand within sixty days from order confirmation.

Most “VAPOR DETECTORS” are acceptable for explosive detection. The finest devices, however, should have the following characteristics:

  • Easily operated
  • Put in action within 10 seconds
  • Light weighted
  • Quick analysis of data (less than 2 seconds)
  • Has reserve batteries for longer working hours (4 hours per battery)

X-RAY machines go through materials to determine the silhouette of the enclosed objects, including that of weapons; explosives and drugs are identified through the density and color of shapes. X-Ray machines are used to inspect bags, packages, containers, etc… at airports, ports or even hotels; however, they are anchored and heavy and their prices depend on the size of the “Tunnel” opening which in turn depends on the size of the enclosures to be inspected.

It is imperative to mention that security guards have the main role in any inspection process. They should be highly attentive and should not be in service for more than two consecutive hours, followed by a break to re-energize and stay alert. It is therefore necessary to keep that in mind to avoid unpleasant surprises.

by Capt. Sami Zod – General Director of Zod Security

Pictures sources: wired.com, lbcblogs.com, guardian.co.uk

1 Comment

Peter Robinson · at

Dear Captain Zod,

I am delighted to see you helping to expose the fake detectors frauds. We hope that General Georgiou at Prosec will be prosecuted for his involvement in the ADE651 fraud.

We have been campaigning in the UK against these frauds since 2008, and admire your courage in helping to spread the word.

Peter Robinson

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