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All Fire Fighting Systems

Total flooding suppression systems detect fires at their source, then automatically suppress them using specialized agents. These agent can be CO2, Firepro, FM200, or even water!

1 – FM-200™ Fire Suppression Systems 

What is FM-200™ clean agent?

  • Designed for simple installation, often very near the source of a potential fire
  • Firetrace engineered systems feature FM-200®and also Novec™ 1230 Fire Protection agents.
  • FM-200™, is a clean agent fire suppressant for Class A, B, and C fires.
  • Clean agents are fast and effective in suppressing fires, are safe in occupied spaces, and do not leave a residue.
Fire Suppression systems

2 – AEROSOL Fire Extinguishing System

How does FirePro Aerosol System work?

Fire extinguishing systems
  • NO Suffocation method (depletion of oxygen levels in air below 15% at normal pressures extinguishes fire)
  • FIREPRO® aerosol extinguishes fire by inhibiting the chain chemical reactions present in combustion on a molecular level.
System advantages:


  • Low Maintenance
  • 5 Years Guaranty
  • 15 Years Shelf Live

3 – High Pressure CO2 System 

CO2 System
  • CO2 is a colorless, dry and inert gas
  • Vaporizes after extinguishing a fire and leaves no residue
  • Cost effective: Readily available standard gas
  • Typical applications: electrical and engine rooms, flammable liquid storages…

4 – Sprinklers


5 – Wet/ Dry Riser Network

Wet/ Dry riser network

6 – Low Pressure Water Mist

Low Pressure Water Mist

Highly effective extinguishing system that uses water and air to generate a fine water droplet 

7 – Wet Chemical Fire Suppression System

Wet chemical fire suppression system

  • Designed to easily fit in any kitchen layout 
  • 24-hour, continual fire protection  
  • Prevents re-flash and quick clean up 
AEROSOL Fire Extinguishing System
AEROSOL Fire Extinguishing System

Fire Sprinkler System
Fire Sprinkler System

FM-200 Fire Suppression System
FM-200 Fire Suppression System

FM200 is designed for simple installation, often very near the source of a potential fire

High Pressure CO2 System 
High Pressure CO2 System 

Low Pressure Water Mist
Low Pressure Water Mist

Wet Chemical Fire Suppression System
Wet Chemical Fire Suppression System