Fire Sprinkler System

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Product Description

Fire sprinklers are proven lifesavers. Studies show that properties with both fire alarms and sprinkler systems in place see an 82% reduction in fire-related deaths. In a fire, sprinklers can control or extinguish the blaze before it engulfs the entire structure, giving occupants precious time to escape.

Sprinkler System

The fire sprinkler system follows the NFPA 13 Standard.

Sprinkler system

Fire sprinkler systems offer several benefits, making them an essential component of fire protection in various settings. Here are some of their key advantages:

  1. Efficient Fire Suppression: Sprinkler systems are strategically designed to provide targeted coverage over localized areas, ensuring that water is directed precisely where it’s needed only. This targeted approach minimizes water wastage by focusing on the fire source rather than drenching unaffected areas.
  2. Immediate Fire Detection: Fire sprinkler systems are designed to respond within seconds to fires, often detecting and suppressing them before they have a chance to grow and cause significant damage. This can save building owners and businesses a significant amount of money on repairs and reconstruction.
  3. Reduced Fire Damage and Cost: By quickly containing fires, sprinkler systems minimize the extent of fire damage to buildings, belongings, and valuable assets. This can result in lower repair and replacement costs, as well as shorter business interruptions.
  4. 24/7 Protection: Fire sprinkler systems are always ready to respond to fires, providing round-the-clock protection for buildings and occupants. This constant vigilance can significantly enhance fire safety and peace of mind.
  5. Enhanced Occupant Safety: The rapid suppression of fires by sprinkler systems creates a safer environment for building occupants, giving them more time to evacuate safely in the event of an emergency. This can significantly reduce the risk of injuries and fatalities.
  6. Environmental Considerations: Modern fire sprinkler systems can be designed to use environmentally friendly extinguishing agents, such as water mist or foam, which minimize ecological impact compared to traditional methods.
  7. Reduced Insurance Costs: Many insurance companies offer lower premiums for buildings with functioning sprinkler systems. This is because sprinklers demonstrably reduce the risk of fire-related losses. The initial investment in a sprinkler system can be offset by these long-term insurance savings.

Sprinkler Specifications:

  • The fire sprinkler system size is calculated from the area/volume of the hazard and the duration of the discharge upon NFPA13 and 20 tables
  • Flow calculation to be provided with each system to ensure correct pipe sizing and discharge time

For more fire suppression systems, click here.

Wet/ Dry Riser Network

A wet riser system is a network of pipes permanently charged with water. It’s designed to provide a readily available water supply to any part of a building for firefighting purposes. Typically, these systems are installed in buildings where the risk of fire is high or where access for firefighting vehicles might be limited, such as high-rise buildings, warehouses, or industrial complexes.

A dry riser system, on the other hand, is similar to a wet riser system but differs in that the pipes are not kept charged with water at all times. Instead, the system remains dry until it’s activated by firefighters during a fire emergency. Dry riser systems are often used in buildings where the risk of vandalism or freezing of water in the pipes is a concern.

Both wet and dry riser systems are crucial for high-rise buildings as they provide a reliable means for firefighters to access water and extinguish fires quickly, potentially saving lives and minimizing property damage. Regular maintenance and testing of these systems are essential to ensure they function properly when needed.

Contact us on 03 543 888. For additional contact details, click here. 

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