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Automatic Doors – 3 Benefits You Never Thought Of

Have you ever walked in front of an automatic door thinking you would just walk-by (oh-so-confidently!) only to find yourself stood-up? Eventually you gasp: ‘it will open now’ – ‘in a second’. Yet, you still stand there, in front of the door, expecting it to react to your presence. Evidently, they didn’t get your automatic door or revolving door from Zod Security… But what if they did? Aside from a fast-reacting, effective door, they would have Read more…

metal detector

Metal Detectors Misused In Lebanese Malls

If you have been to some of the big malls in Lebanon, you would have noticed that, aside from being scanned with a fake explosive detector, as your car enters the parking lots, the security personnel at the mall entrance door will scan the ladies’ handbags with a handheld metal detector.  Does it sound valid for you? Here’s why it shouldn’t: Metal Detectors Are not for HandBags There is a sound reason why, when you Read more…

loyalty Program Winner

Loyalty Program – For Electricians

Beirut, Lebanon – Congratulations to the first winner from Zod Security’s 2012 electricians’ loyalty program – On the morning of February 25, 2013, Zod Security’s Assistant Managing Director Mr. Elie Zod, presented Sedna with its $1,500 reward, thanking them for their loyalty to Zod Security. Mr. Bassam Mahfouz, Sedna’s owner, received the reward on behalf of his company. This Zod Security loyalty program is exclusive for its electricians clientele, and is still running in 2013. Discount Read more…

62 safe juwel

How to Choose a Security Safe

We all need to protect our valuable belongings, personal papers, jewelry, irreplaceable pieces we own, etc. against any type of threat, mainly robbery or fire. An efficient security safe should be bought once and for all. Therefore, the safe’s quality matters. It is advised to purchase one that is certified by EN or VDS. While the European Norm EN1143-1 guarantees that the safe you are buying is built in the best professional manner, other criteria Read more…