Security Bollard

Remote Controlled Bollard
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Product Description

Security bollards come in different types, sizes and forms. Based on their applications and your need, they can be used to meet traffic control, road security, or counter-terrorism purposes. They can be static (whereas they do not move) or motorized (used for entrances and exits).

Security bollards can come reinforced or for high-risk facilities, they also come impact or crash-tested to protect against a potential threat or attack. They are tested based on UK or US standards and offer security ranging from M30 to M50, with varying penetration rates.

Ask our experts to learn more about the available bollards, and the most suitable solution for your premises. Below we are highlighting a reinforced motorized bollard:


Reinforced Rising Post 12mm Steel 

  • Maximum Security in 70cm height 
  • Rising post in thick steel 
  • Warning lights visible from a distance 
  • Need 95cm for foundation 
  • Reinforced manual release 


Security bollards offer a range of advantages for both residential and commercial properties. Here are some of the key benefits:

  • Enhanced Security: Bollards act as a physical barrier, restricting unauthorized vehicle access to your property. This can deter everything from smash-and-grab thefts to carjacking attempts. In high-security areas, bollards can even be crash-rated to withstand deliberate vehicle collisions.
  • Deters Crime: The presence of security bollards sends a clear message that a property is well-protected. This can discourage potential criminals from targeting your house or business in the first place.
  • Increased Safety: Bollards can prevent accidental vehicle collisions into buildings, pedestrians, or other parked cars. This is especially important in areas with high foot traffic or near busy roads.
  • Multiple Uses: Bollards are not just for security. They can also be used to define traffic flow, protect landscaping, or even create a decorative element for your property.

  • Low Maintenance: Security bollards are generally built to last and require minimal upkeep. They are a long-term security solution that won’t require constant repairs or replacements.

  • Variety of Options: Security bollards come in various styles, heights, and materials to suit your specific needs and aesthetic preferences. You can also choose from permanent bollards or removable ones for added flexibility.

For a variety of high security entrance options, click here.


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