Anyone who ever traveled by air has experienced, at one point or another, an X-ray luggage scan. However, very few of us have had the privilege (and responsibility) of sitting behind the monitor and discerning potential threats and banned items from the remaining baggage content.

It turns out, it is not as easy as it seems.

Now, before you freak out, keep in mind that there are softwares that were developed to assist the personnel operating the X-ray scanners, and some of the most advanced machines barely require any effort. Yet, for the most basic ones, the operator should be incredibly attentive (and experienced).

Ready to test your skills? Scroll down!

Let’s begin.

1 – What does this traveler carry in his baggage that is potentially dangerous?

Xray image luggage scanned cbt simulate

Did you guess it?

He has a pocket knife.

Xray image luggage scanned cbt simulate

2 – This one is a lot trickier.

It is not quite what you would think about when it comes to contraband.

Xray image luggage scanned cbt simulate

This is a container with cream that exceeds the allowed 100ml limit, as per airport regulations.

Xray image luggage scanned cbt simulate

3 – This backpack seems to belong to someone with an agenda.


Xray image luggage scanned cbt simulate

Yes, this is pretty much what you think it is, a gun handle.

Xray image luggage scanned cbt simulate

4 – What about this one?

Xray image luggage scanned cbt simulate

Pliers over 17cm in length are not permitted on board.

Xray image luggage scanned cbt simulate

5 – What about this bag?

Xray image luggage scanned cbt simulate

There is an aerosol can in this luggage, probably hairspray.

Xray image luggage scanned cbt simulate

6 – Look closely.

Xray image luggage scanned cbt simulate

There is quite a big knife in this bag.

Xray image luggage scanned cbt simulate

7 – Can you tell what is being smuggled here?

Xray image luggage scanned cbt simulate

Yes, a knife again.

Xray image luggage scanned cbt simulate

8 – This is not a subtle attempt.

Xray image luggage scanned cbt simulate

There is a firearm that pretty much fills the entire bag.

Xray image luggage scanned cbt simulate

How well did you perform? Keep in mind that in those cases, you were informed in advance that there is some sort of contraband that you have to find in each picture. Would you have performed as well if you were not given this hint?

Food for thought.

Source: Simulscan | DailyMail

Categories: counter terrorism


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